Jet Reports Announces the Release of Jet Essentials 2013 & Jet Express for NAV 2013
Portland OR – July 30, 2013 – Jet Reports is pleased to announce the release of new versions of two of our reporting solutions – Jet Essentials 2013 and Jet Express for NAV 2013. Both products include performance enhancements and new features requested by our users. These versions are available now and are recommended for all installations.
Reporting performance has been improved in both Jet Essentials and Jet Express for NAV – especially when querying Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 data sources. We encourage all NAV 2013 users to install the new version of the product for the speed improvements alone.
The Table Builder feature in Jet Essentials is now compatible with Microsoft Dynamics GP, AX, CRM, SQL, Jet Data Warehouse and other OLE/ODBC compliant data sources. The Table Builder feature provides an easy-to-use interface so users can quickly combine data from multiple tables in their business database and return it in Excel. Users can then harness Excel’s powerful PivotTable and PivotChart functionality to create interactive reports in minutes.
Jet Essentials is now fully-compatible with Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013. The GP Update utility has been completely refreshed, making it easy for administrators to deploy “friendly names” for fields and tables, import SQL views, and define security roles for reporting from their Microsoft Dynamics GP database.
This new version makes it easier than ever to deploy Jet Essentials to a large number of users. The new Jet Administration Console and Configuration Service provide company administrators the ability to configure and manage their Jet data source properties in a single location for all their users with a simple, intuitive interface.The authentication model for Jet Essentials has also been improved. Your installation of Jet Essentials will now be activated and validated using our online activation service. With activation, updates to your license will be applied automatically – users no longer need to install an updated license file.
When used with Dynamics NAV and GP, single queries can now return summed amounts from multiple companies. This includes the NL(sum) function and the GL functions which return budget, balance, credit or debit amounts from General Ledger accounts.Upgrading to the latest version of Jet Essentials is free for all customers that are current on the Jet Reports Annual Enhancement Plan (AEP) – Download Jet Essentials.
Upgrading to the latest version of Jet Express for NAV is free for all users of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 or later who are current on their Business Ready Enhancement Plan (BREP) – Download Jet Express for NAV.
Jet Reports now makes it easy to deploy Jet Essentials across your entire organization with the Unlimited Viewer upgrade.
– Jet Reports –
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